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Phylogeography of the Vosges mountains populations of Gonioctena pallida (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): a nested clade analysis of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes

Auteur : Mardulyn (P.)

Année de publication : 2001
Publication : Molecular Ecology
Volume : 10
Fascicule : 7
Pagination : 1751-1763

Résumé :

The pattern of genetic variation in the leaf beetle Gonioctena pallida was investigated insidethe Vosges mountains using a highly variable 363 bp DNA fragment of the mitochondrialcontrol region. Sequencing of 242 individuals, sampled in a geographical area of 100 ×××× 40 km,identified 61 haplotypes whose genealogy was inferred. The resulting haplotype networkexhibits four star-like phylogenies, two of which may be indicative of a population havingrecently expanded in size from a small number of founders. Nested clade analysis suggestedmultiple past expansion events, but also isolation by distance and possibly past fragmentationevents, as the causes of the detected geographical associations of haplotypes. These resultsindicate the existence of effective barriers to gene flow inside the investigated area. Becausethe oldest demographic events inferred in the nested clade analysis were identified as expan-sion events, we hypothesize that a small population of founders have expanded not only insize, but also in geographical range from the south towards the north and east of the Vosges.