Die Stechimmenfauna des Bollenbergs im Südelsass
Auteur : Schmid-Egger (Christian)
Année de publication : 2001
Publication : Bembix - Zeitschrift für Hymenopterologie
Volume :
Pagination : 14
Résumé :
The present paper gives a surview of the aculeate wasp fauna of the Bollenberg in southern Elsass (north-east France) near the German border. The Bollenberg is characterized by its large meadows on limbstone substrate with an extreme dry and hot climate. Many plant and animal species of mediterranean origin were reported from there. The Bollenberg ist pressingly endangered by the planned extention of vineyards through the local community of Westhalten. 111 species of Apidae and 36 species of “wasps” had been found, 31 Apidae species (28%) and 13 “wasp” species (36%) are listed in the Red date book of Germany. The most remarkable species are: Colletes hylaeiformis, Cryptocheilus fabricii and Eoferreola rhombica. An estimation for purpose of nature protection (German standard) classify the Bollenberg as place of national-wide importance (highest classification by Kaule 1986).