Détail de la référence


Die Bienenarten Deutschlands (Hymenoptera, Apidae) Ein aktualisiertes Verzeichnis mit kritischen Anmerkungen

Auteurs : Westrich (Paul) et Dathe (Holger H.)

Année de publication : 1997
Publication : Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart
Volume : 32
Pagination : 32

Résumé :

[The bee species of Germany (Hymenoptera, Apidae). An updated checklist with critical comments. – Mitteilungen des entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart, vol. 32 (1997): 3-34.] – Exhaustive literature studies and revisions of museum and private collections were made in order to present an updated checklist of the bee species whose past or present occurence we have confirmed within the boundaries of Germany following reunification. The checklist contains 547 species of 40 genera. Critical comments are given on more than a hundred species to confirm or to correct state- ments in the literature, to add new records and to identify the location of deposited material.