Beobachtungen zur Riesen-Wollbiene (Megachilidae, Anthidium septemspinosum Lepeletier, 1841) in der südlichen Oberrheinebene
Auteurs : Treiber (Reinhold) et Rennwald (Klaus)
Année de publication : 2011
Publication : Carolinea
Volume :
Pagination : 89-93
Résumé :
Notes on the wool-carder bee, Anthidium septemspinosum, in the southern Upper Rhine Plain The current distribution of the wool-carder bee, Anthidium septemspinosum, in the Upper Rhine Plain is actually reported for 16 localities situated between Munchhausen and Erstein. In this region the species inhabits oligotrophic wet meadows and dry gravel flats often bordering wet-dry pastures. Anthidium septemspinosum can be observed foraging from end of June to mid July coinciding with the blooming period of the Willowleaf Yellowhead (Inula salicina). The species is critically endangered. Naturalists interested in wet meadow ecology are encouraged to look out for this prominent bee.