Détail de la référence


Quelques Odonates intéressants observés en Lorraine, France

Auteurs : Jacquemin (Gilles), Boudot (Jean-Pierre), Goutet (Pierre) et Schwaab (François)

Année de publication : 1987
Publication : Notulae odonatologicae
Volume : 2
Fascicule : 9
Pagination : 140-144

Résumé :

9 spp., noticed during 1981-1984 in the Lorraine departments of Meuse, Meurthe--et-Moselle, Moselle and Vosges (alt. 200-400 m) are discussed. Oxygastra curtisi (Dale), Crocothemis erythraea (Brulle) and Orthetrum albistylum (Sel.) were not reported earlier from the Lorraine. The regional fauna is stated and itsstatus is compared with the earlier evidence.